It's about the kids!
 Supporting Teachers - Educating Kids

2022 November - Learning Services

Bringing the life-long love of reading into the hands of every classroom,
meeting the needs of every child.

  • Engage students in guided reading instruction with RigbyPM.
  • Integrate literacy and social-emotional with the characters of Hero Academy.
  • InFact inspires students through non-fiction leveled reading.
  • Rely on proven programs Edmark Reading Program,
    PCI Reading and Reading Milestones to help our struggling
    readers and special needs students.
  • Request a 60-day account to learn how Readorium
    builds comprehension through adaptive leveling while
    students learn and understand science topics.

Detailed information, Samples, Trial Accounts and Discounts are available to you. Call 1-800-877-9378 - email - or visit with us on Live Chat!

Perfect for chromebooks, distance learning and anytime, anywhere instruction.

Mastering keyboarding is an essential skill in our technology-based world.  Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is perfect for your lab with no annual fees. We can send you a full-running demo.

KID PIX 5Print Shop 4Cluefinders'Thinkin' Things and Livingbooks storybooks are long-loved classics.

Stock up on science kits or dive into  Sciencesaurus workbooks, plus great bundle ideas for Dash and Dot in Wonder workshop classroom kits.

Wow! See the new features in KID PIX 5. Compare KID PIX versions and try it out with a full running demo

Research based resources for our students at all levels.  Read and Write with  Clicker 8, explore the vast materials of ProEd and engage students in audio instruction through HearBuilder.