Reading LevelNonreadersInterest Level2 - 12
Basic Menu Mathcombines basic math skills with the fun and excitement of dining out, providing 'real-life' practice ordering from menus and figuring the cost of meals. TheBasic Menu Mathprograms provide hours of fun while improving independent math, basic reading, and sight-reading skills. Engaging visuals make this popular program easy to use with individuals who have limited or no reading skills.
This creative, colorful, high-interest program was developed to help students struggling to stay within their personal budgets when ordering at restaurants. Each program has either traditional menus, as those used in sit-down restaurants, or menu order boards as posted in fast food and cafeteria restaurants. Students 'order' from the realistic menus and write the price of the food item on a corresponding worksheet. They then total the items to determine the price of their meals. Large type and simple illustrations make this program suitable for individuals with varying reading abilities.
Cafeteria Menu Mathfeatures one restaurants: Mom's Cafeteria.
Program includes:
- 6 Menu Order Boards
- Teacher's Guide with instructions
- Answer Key
- 96 Reproducible Worksheets
Each laminated Menu Order Board is 11" x 25". Additional Order Boards for each program are available separately for use with larger groups of students.
112 pages • 8.5 x 11, softcover • ©1999
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