Simplify the multiple aspects of remediating central auditory processing disorders with this expansive hierarchy of ready-to-use exercises.
This three-book program targets central auditory processing disorders with a bottom-up approach. Discrete skills are developed at levels of increasing complexity. The lesson formats vary according to the targeted skill. Most of the lessons are ready-to-use. Copy or print the student activity pages.
Book 1
- Visual-auditory memory–visualize and pay attention to details; includes full-color cards for use in barrier activities
- Auditory-sequential memory–immediate vs. delayed recall, following directions, matching rhythms
Book 2
- Auditory discrimination–discriminate sounds in words and sentences, voiced/voiceless sounds in words, and the position of sounds in words
- Auditory closure exercises in four areas–identify missing words, missing syllables, and missing phonemes; use context to derive word meaning
- Auditory synthesis exercises–identify the number of syllables and initial sounds in words, combine sounds segments into words, build speech-to-print associations
Book 3
- Auditory figure-ground exercises–follow directions, complete seatwork, maintain conversations, and follow lectures in varying levels of noise
- Auditory cohesion exercises–identify key words in messages
- Auditory binaural integration exercises–sing familiar songs, draw to directions, and work with opposites
- Maximize gains with compensatory strategies and environmental management
To see more of this product's contents:
COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES:3 180-page books plus online access to reproducible pages; 14 illustrated cards; 1 card depicting a phone key pad; plastic carrying bag.