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Click to Read: Animal Habitats

Click to Read: Animal Habitats | Special Education


The relevant, concrete stories in Click to Read: Animal Habitats support science curriculum for learning challenged students in early childhood through post-high school. The Desert and A Home in the Forest contain clear photos of animals living in these habitats. Additional language or math concepts in each unit expand learning opportunities. Core vocabulary and concepts in each story:

The Desert: Animals, birds and plants found in the Southwest desert

 A Home in the Forest: Animals that live in the forest and the places they make their homes

Pond Life: Animals, insects and plants found in the pond habitat; emphasis on prepositions “in, on, around”

Ocean Creatures: Familiar ocean inhabitants; one:one correspondence of 1 through 5 items



Large, simple graphics

Color-coded picture communication symbols facilitate learning

Three reading levels

Works with mouse, touch screen or switches

Lots of clear speech prompting, correction and reinforcement in male or female voice

Designed by speech pathologists

See the Click to Read page for a description of the program activities.

Also available in the money-saving Click to Read Bundle.

System Requirements

A Macintosh running MacOS 10.4 or newer, or a PC running Windows XP or newer. Supports keyboard, mouse, touch screen, and up to 3 switches.

Click to Read: Animal Habitats

Price: $57.00
5 Pack
Price: $207.00

Features and Benefits



  • Large, simple graphics

    Color-coded picture communication symbols facilitate learning

    Three reading levels

    Works with mouse, touch screen or switches

    Lots of clear speech prompting, correction and reinforcement in male or female voice

    Designed by speech pathologists

    See the Click to Read page for a description of the program activities.

    Also available in the money-saving Click to Read Bundle.

    System Requirements

    A Macintosh running MacOS 10.4 or newer, or a PC running Windows XP or newer. Supports keyboard, mouse, touch screen, and up to 3 switches.

  • System Requirements


    System Requirements

    A Macintosh running MacOS 10.4 or newer, or a PC running Windows XP or newer. Supports keyboard, mouse, touch screen, and up to 3 switches.

