Emotions and Expressions

TARGET GROUP: all ages
This updated version of Emotions and Expressions is a multidisciplinary tool that can be used by speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, and counselors in their work with individuals or groups.
The back of each card is numbered and an array of emotions and expressions shown in the photograph is listed. Included also on each card are discussion questions to identify the emotion, relate that emotion to personal experience, and discuss the events preceding and following each scene. The listed emotions may relate to different people in the picture who may have very different feelings.
You and your clients are likely to discover many other appropriate descriptions that will increase the repertoire of emotions already named. These ideas are just a starting point. You will think of many other questions to meet specific goals as you begin to use the cards.
48 5x7 full color photo cards and index card, all in a sturdy storage box • ©1985
Emotions and Expressions