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Exceptional Children in Today's Schools-Fifth Edition

Exceptional Children in Today's Schools-Fifth Edition | Special Education



This introductory Special Education text is designed for traditional certification, alternative, and in-service training programs. This new edition brings the most current information and research on inclusive classrooms, transition, diversity, collaboration, and much more.
Exceptional Children in Today's Schools- Fifth Editionexplains how to improve outcomes for exceptional students within the context of demanding curriculum environments.

  • Each chapter contains practical suggestions and strategies for how to teach high-leverage instructional, behavioral, and social strategies within the inclusive school settings, promote mastery and generalization of the targeted skills, and improve outcomes in both academic and nonacademic settings.
  • Grounded in empirical literature, the instructional suggestions can be used with confidence to achieve favorable outcomes. Clear protocols and recommendations are provided to implement various teaching strategies.
  • Specific examples from actual classroom situations are supplied to illustrate each learning point and the associated instructional procedure(s).

Comprehensive in scope, this book includes a broad array of related resources for extended study of key topics.

432 pages, 8 x 10, softcover 2018

Exceptional Children in Today's Schools-Fifth Edition

  • Publisher: Pro-Ed Inc
  • Grade Level: All
  • Item #: 14643

Price: $79.00   SRP: $79.00
