Job Search

Reading Level3 - 5
Interest Level8 - 12
This creative and challenging program turns a learning environment into a realistic job interview site. Individuals learn how to write a resume, go on job interviews, complete jobs applications, and write business letters. It is designed to turn every student into an applicant and every teacher into an instant interviewer.
ContentsThis well-organized book contains a teacher's manual, five student work packets, a wallet resume, an interview review/form, and an application correction form. All materials are reproducible. The comprehensive student work units teach the necessary skills for finding a job.
Choosing a Job to Apply ForThis packet teaches students to use their abilities, preferences, and qualifications to decide if they should apply for specific jobs. Students are taught about help wanted ads, job services offices, and word of mouth.
Responding to a Job OpeningThis packet teaches students how to let an employer know they are interested in a job. Phone calls, letters, and resumes are discussed. Students are taught how to answer an ad by phone, in person, and by mail. A sample application letter and resume are included.
Getting Ready for an InterviewThis packet teaches students how to prepare for interview in appearance; how to find out about the company they are interviewing with; and how to write questions to ask at an interview. Students learn the four main things to do before going on an interview, and three main ways to look neat.
Going for an InterviewThis packet teaches students the proper way to conduct themselves at interviews. Students are taught to be punctual, polite, and honest. Questions that may be asked at an interview help give students a preview of a real interview. There are also tips on how students should act if they don't get the job they applied for, the importance of persistence, and sending follow-up letters.
Filling Out ApplicationsThis packet teaches students to complete a wallet resume and to complete application forms. Students are taught the proper way of filling out applications, and are given a list of the items most frequently asked on an application. This section also features a handy wallet half-page resume that students can carry with them. Realistic applications from different companies are also included to give students practice in filling out commonly used forms.
ReproduciblesThe last section of the book is entitled "Your Personal Job Search Journal," by Ann Blanchard. All materials are reproducible:
- Part One-Planning Your Portrait of SuccessConducting a successful job search; your personal data sheet; your personal job contacts network; the job search market; your personal job choice; more.
- Part Two-Researching the Requirements of the JobCreating a "Portrait of Success" for the job; matching your "Portrait of Success" to that of the job.
- Part Three-Your Personal Marketing PlanCreate your personal resume; writing your cover letter; a sample cover letter, setting your job search goals; more.
- Part Four-Special Tear-Out SectionYour personal data sheet; interview questions to ask.
- Part Five-Practicing for Interview SuccessYour interview game plan; interview tips; your business contact record; more.
114 pages 8.5 x 11 softcover, perfect bound 1993
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About the AuthorEllen McPeek Glisan has an M.S. in learning disabilities and started teaching in a cross-categorical classroom in a small rural Northern Illinois junior-senior high school. Writing complete programs that had a clear purpose in the lives of her students became her passion. She has created an entire line of School-to-Work materials for both regular and special education classrooms for children and adult