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Early Learning 1

Early Learning 1 | K


Early Learning I is widely acclaimed as one of the best educational programs ever for pre-reading students with disabilities. Dozens of options allow the teacher to custom-tailor the program to any student’s needs.

Early Learning I includes 4 activities that teach pre-reading skills. Each activity features multiple levels of difficulty. Single- and dual-switch scanning are built-in (6 different ways), and special prompts allow blind students to use all levels of difficulty.

Early Learning 1

Price: $68.00   SRP: $70.00
5 Pack
Price: $260.00   SRP: $262.00

Features and Benefits

Early Learning I contains the following activities:

  • Matching Colors
  • Learning Shapes
  • Counting Numbers
  • Letter Match

System Requirements

PC running Windows XP or newer. Supports keyboard, mouse, touch screen, IntelliKeys, and single- or dual-switch input.
