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Rigby PM Generations Green Classroom Library L12-15

Rigby PM Generations Green Classroom Library L12-15 | K


PM Generations Green Classroom Library

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt National

Guided Reading Packages Green (Levels 12-15) Package 180 books (6 copies each of 30 titles), plus Teacher's Guide and Classroom Organizer

Long Awaited, Eagerly Anticipated... New Rigby PM Readers Whether you are working in a balanced literacy framework, as a Reading Recovery® teacher, or wanting new titles for small-group reading, the new Rigby PMs will take your instruction to new levels, as called for in today’s rigorous standards. • Deepen students’ knowledge with cross-curricular content and projectbased activities. • Dazzling informational readers will engross your growing learners. • The precise Rigby® leveling you count on keeps you confident and your students successful.

Providing the Keys to Success in Student Reading Practice: Whether it’s meeting relatable characters who are put to the test in tricky situations, or exploring informational texts, students will find that Rigby PMs make reading practice irresistible. Accomplishment: Meaningful texts with precise leveling give students confidence to move to the next level as skills increase gradually. Enjoyment: Age-appropriate, relatable, and relevant stories appeal to diverse student backgrounds.

The newest 280 Rigby PM titles for levels Red through Sapphire come in guided reading 6-packs with lesson plans, single copies of all titles in the color set for independent reading, or guided reading libraries with 6-packs of all the unique titles in the color band with lesson plans in two totes for easy organization. 

Rigby PM Generations Green Classroom Library L12-15

PM Generations Green Classroom Library
Price: $1,600.00   SRP: $2,830.20

Features and Benefits

Teaching Guides and Tools
• 8- page Take-and-Teach Lesson Plans
• Two organizational totes per guided reading library set with leveling information inserts
• Reading Counts!® quizzes for each title to assess comprehension

(Reading Counts! web subscription licenses are purchased separately and can be accessed from school or home.) Classroom Materials•280 new titles for Rigby PM levels Red through Sapphire for Grades 1–5 

Included in the Kit
