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Community-Based Vocational Training

Community-Based Vocational Training | All


A 10-chapter book for organizing and maintaining vocational training opportunities

Create vocational experiences with this hands-on, how-to manual! It helps you create and maintain community-based vocational experiences for students with significant disabilities.

The book follows a sequence of successful job placement—from getting started to on-site job training. Stresses functional assessments, transition planning and supportive employment options. By using the reproducible forms, letters and assessments, you can spend more time with students and potential employers.

By Dr. Jill Wheeler. Includes a Win/Mac CD with printable PDF. Covered spiralbound book, 170 pages. 2005.

Community-Based Vocational Training

Community-Based Vocational Training
Price: $47.00   SRP: $49.00

Features and Benefits

  • Describes how to create, prepare for, and preserve vocational experiences for students with disabilities
  • Offers functional assessments, and strategies for transition planning and finding supportive employment options
  • Includes a variety of reproducible PDFs to aid in the process
