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Scripted Vocational Role Plays

Scripted Vocational Role Plays | All


A ten-chapter book with corresponding worksheets to help students learn work-related social skills

Authors Gary Sigler and Darla Kay Fitzpatrick cover the essentials of vocational preparation: Career considerations; looking, applying and interviewing for a job; losing a job; and vocational communications. Includes photocopy rights and a CD with PDF of printable pages.

Spiralbound, 344 pages, CD with PDF for printouts. 2000.

Scripted Vocational Role Plays

Scripted Vocational Role Plays
Price: $27.00   SRP: $29.00

Features and Benefits

  • Discusses topics like career considerations, searching, applying, and interviewing for a job, losing a job, and vocational communications
  • Includes photocopy rights and CD with PDF of printable pages
