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Reading Milestones-Fourth Edition, Level 5 (Purple)

Reading Milestones-Fourth Edition, Level 5 (Purple) | Special Education


Reading Milestones is the most popular reading program of its kind. This successful alternative, language-controlled program is designed to take readers to approximately a fifth grade reading level. It is especially effective for students with hearing impairments and language delays and is also widely used with others who have special language and reading needs, including individuals with learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, and English Language Learners (ELL). These students are aided by reading materials designed to match their language levels and which progress in steps small enough to ensure continued success in reading. Success from the beginning of the learning-to-read experience motivates students to read and to continue learning. Reading Milestones accommodates the needs of such learners and has been developed to maximize their opportunities for success.


The following features help ensure that students from many different populations can begin their reading experiences successfully:

  • adjusted language level
  • controlled vocabulary
  • controlled syntax
  • chunking
  • repetition

What's New in the Fourth Edition: The core content of the program remains the same and now includes many improvements. These include:

  • Reading Milestones Placement and Monitoring (RMPM) – Separately available, this informal test places students in the correct level of Reading Milestones and monitors their progress through the program.
  • New Look – Many new illustrations have been added to the stories included in the Readers for all levels.
  • Teacher's Guide – The Teacher's Guide has been revised to include extensive information on recent research and best practices in reading. Strategies for teaching have been expanded and reformatted for clarity. Several useful appendixes have been added.
  • Additional Stories – Many new stories have been included with increased multicultural representation and full-color illustrations. The number of stories in each Reader was increased for a total of 6 stories per book and 60 stories for each level.
  • Story Structure – Many stories were rewritten to include more definite story structure. Knowledge of story structure helps students focus on the components and aids in comprehension.
  • Story Page Layout –All sentences are complete on one page or on opposing pages to aid the student in developing fluency.
  • Workbook Activities – All workbook activities are now provided as reproducible worksheets that can be printed from the Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive (included in the complete package). A boxed, printed version of black line masters is also available separately.
  • Spelling – The Spelling program has been improved to develop phonological awareness skills, sound‚ spelling correspondence, provide additional practice in word recognition to attain automaticity, and improve accuracy in word spelling that will contribute to writing fluency. All Spelling activities are now provided as reproducible worksheets that can be printed from the Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive (included in the complete package). A boxed, printed version of black line masters is also available separately.
  • Student Achievement Record (SAR) – used to record the student's completion of each of the stories and activities in the workbook and spelling materials across a level of the program. Space is provided for comments regarding progress and recommendations. 10pack of SARs included in the complete package.
  • Word Cards – Vocabulary words taught in the program are displayed in two formats: as reproducible PDFs on the Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive and as boxed, printed cards available separately. The cards are grouped and alphabetized by corresponding reader and numbered accordingly. Students can use the cards for practice in the Spelling and other lesson activities, in group games, and as flash cards in individual or group review.
  • Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive – Included in each complete package, now reproducible PDFs are available for all Workbook Activities, Spelling and Word Cards.


  • Ten Readers per level, 6 stories per Reader
  • Vocabulary and syntax gradually increase in complexity
  • Glossaries in every Reader
  • Lists of new words and syntax
  • Pictures used as visual cues for words
  • Story themes include fact and fiction
  • Multicultural groups represented
  • Urban and rural settings used in the stories

Workbook Activities

  • Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive includes reproducible PDFs of Workbook Activities for each Reader (1-10)
  • Picture/word matching exercises
  • Word/sentence completion
  • Story sequencing activities
  • Creative writing
  • Semantic mapping
  • Completion is documented on the Student Achievement Record


  • Reading Milestones Reproducible Materials Flash Drive includes reproducible PDFs of Spelling activities for each Reader (1-10)
  • Pretest and mastery test
  • Range of spelling practice activities
  • Completion is documented on the Student Achievement Record

Teacher's Guides

  • One Teacher's Guide per level
  • Step-by-step teaching instructions for Readers, Workbook Activities, and Spelling
  • Sample lesson plans
  • Pre and Post reading activities
  • Comprehension questions
  • Supplemental activities (elated books, class activities, subject-related activities)

Included in the Complete Package: Teacher's Guide; a boxed set of 10 Readers; Reproducible Materials Flash Drive containing reproducible PDFs of Workbook activities, Spelling, and Word Cards; and a 10-pack of Student Achievement Records, all in a sturdy storage box.

Reading Milestones-Fourth Edition, Level 5 (Purple)

  • Publisher: Pro-Ed Inc
  • Grade Level: All
  • Item #: 14035

Complete Package Includes:

  • Teacher's Guide
  • Reader Package (1-10)
  • Reproducible Materials Flash Drive
  • Student Achievement Records (10 pack)

(package components itemized below for individual purchase).

Complete Package
Price: $457.00   SRP: $457.00
Reproducible Materials Flash Drive
Price: $256.00   SRP: $256.00
Reader Package (1-10)
Price: $156.00   SRP: $149.00
Teacher's Guide
Price: $84.00   SRP: $84.00
Student Achievement Record (10 pack)
Price: $24.00   SRP: $24.00
