Living in the United States Series
Reading Level3 - 4.5Interest Level5 - 12
Living in the United Statesseries is an abbreviated version of traditional basal programs. The low reading level; sophisticated page layout; and up-to-date, age-appropriate visuals make each Student Text and accompanying activities appealing to struggling readers. The standards-based programs are appropriate for on-level students, students with learning differences, and students and adults reading below grade level.
The full-color, 48-page Student Text features six easy-to-read chapters. Students will be able to explain the freedoms and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. Specifically, students will learn about the cultural makeup of the United States; principles of democracy; rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, such as due process rights; laws and important figures of the civil rights movement; voter qualifications such as citizenship, residence, and age; and more.